We are in the viewer for DBJ collection videos that you will record. The embedded viewer goes here, below.

You must create and configure two control files located in the directory of the program name. The files are named 'program name'_content.txt, and 'program name'_content.shtml. Change both files, as illustrated by the working examples already in the directories.

  • The first file controls the button titles for player and uses the file names in the directory.
  • The second file contains this text, so you can change the wording on each viewer page.
  • Just make sure that you use the html mark-up tags to begin and end a paragraph.
  • Other tags are also valid if you need them, and some illustrations are contained therein.

Note: The play buttons are in the alphabertical order of the associated files, that way, you have the ability to arrange the order as you wish, and place a particular file at the start of the list for importance.

Program code Copyright © Thomas Legbandt 2011-2014.